Contact Us

PLEASE NOTE: At this time, we are only accepting referrals for psychoeducational evaluations for children and adolescents on an out-of-pocket basis, and for neuropsychological evaluations for older adults with standard Medicare as their primary insurance. If you are seeking an evaluation for other reasons, please contact other local clinics or clinics in the Boston area. For Medicare patients, we require a faxed referral and recent office visit notes from your physician or other provider if you are interested in pursuing services with Dr. Randolph.

Lebanon Office

20 West Park Street, Suite 215
Lebanon, NH 03766
Phone: (603) 239-2464 or (603) 448-6779
Fax: (603) 653-0246

Seacoast Office

370 Portsmouth Avenue
Greenland, NH 03840
Phone: (603) 303-0633
Fax: (603) 653-0246


RNA Contact Policy

Messages to Dr. Randolph and Randolph Neuropsychology Associates, PLLC represent the exchange of information without any implied therapeutic relationship. We cannot guarantee the confidentiality or promptness of our response to inquiries, and please do not include urgent or crisis communication. Any appointments must be scheduled by phone.