Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age range of Dr. Randolph’s clients?

Dr. Randolph meets with clients ages 8+ for evaluations, but will occasionally see younger children. He otherwise evaluates individuals throughout the lifespan, including older adults age 90 and beyond.

How do I pay for Dr. Randolph’s services?

Neuropsychological evaluations that are considered medically necessary (see your insurance criteria for medical necessity) are usually covered by insurance, although please note that Medicare is the only insurance we currently accept (along with Medicare supplemental plans). If you have another form of insurance, you should check with other local clinics or clinics in the Boston area.

Psychoeducational evaluations done for educational purposes or to diagnose a learning disability are generally not covered by insurance plans and can be paid by cash, check, or credit card. Dr. Randolph can arrange an extended payment plan as needed.

How long will my evaluation last?

Neuropsychological and psychoeducational evaluations are considerably longer than typical medical appointments. Depending on the nature of the referral, the evaluation lasts 3-6 hours for most clients. For longer evaluations, Dr. Randolph takes an extended break for lunch mid-day, and offers shorter breaks at other times throughout the day.

How is a psychoeducational evaluation with Dr. Randolph different from one that my school might conduct?

Evaluations conducted in an academic setting can help clarify a student’s academic strengths and weaknesses, but they are usually not designed to comprehensively assess and diagnose brain-based learning, attentional, and other cognitive disorders. Psychometric assessment of attention, executive skills, learning and memory, language, and visuospatial abilities by a formally trained clinical neuropsychologist usually does not occur in the school setting. As a result, Dr. Randolph’s evaluations result in a more thorough picture of an individual’s learning strengths and weaknesses, whether one or more learning or attention disorders are present, and extensive recommendations and academic supports that he can help implement. Further, as an independent evaluator, Dr. Randolph can provide an additional objective perspective on your child's abilities.